Saturday, February 7, 2009


wiewiórka, originally uploaded by Christ0ff.


rodzaj zwierzęcia z rodziny wiewiórkowatych, pochodzenie nieznane. Występuje w przypadkach oddalenia od bliskich i znudzenia pracą. W przeciwieństwie do wilkołaka ma świeży oddech. Zwierzę dość leniwe, czasem nie chce mu się nawet robić herbaty. Na ogół unika pisania esejów oraz innych form pracy umysłowej na rzecz pisania listów, emocjonalnych notek oraz zwyczajnego tęsknego patrzenia w przestrzeń.


Kim said...

I think I can only appreciate the red squirrels since they don't exist where I live. Well not around my house's backyard back in Georgia. I've seen 1 in my entire life, it ran across the road in the mountains of Ireland. They look cuter and a lot less like rats!

kalimak said...

The squirrel in the photo is like the ones I know from Poland (and since the photo's signed wiewiórka, I assume it was taken in Poland).

I was surprised by all the gray squirrels running around here--there are so many of them!

In Poland, you don't get to see those red ones too often, certainly not around houses. You can sometimes spot them in a forest or in a park, if you're lucky.

Their ears end in these funny tassels and I actually think they're a very different kind of animal from the American squirrel.

Having said that, I recently discovered a book about the naming of plants, animals, and peoples by Europeans in the New World. I've been interested in this for a long time, but for now I'll put it on my list for my, I don't know, 50th birthday. Urgent expenses never seem to end :-(